A valid VIN is 17 characters long.
A valid VIN does not contain I, O, or Q characters.
A valid VIN contains only numbers and letters.
We found additional information about this 2003 Mercedes-Benz E-Class

Order Your Vehicle History Report & Lien Check Today

Now includes a FREE History-Based Value!1
Learn More

Vehicle History Report
+ Lien Check
$69 95

Check the history and see
if there is money owing.

Best Deal
3 Vehicle History Reports
+ 1 Lien Check
$112 95
34% Off $171.85

Check the history of 3 vehicles
for one low price!

Vehicle History
This report shows you the vehicle’s history without the addition of a lien check. Choose this option only if you already know there’s no money owing on the car. If not, you could become responsible for someone else’s debt.
$50 95

Canada’s most Trusted Vehicle History Report

Every Vehicle History Report + Lien Check searches for:

  • Major accidents
  • Frame and structural damage
  • Hail damage
  • Flood damage
  • Airbag deployment
  • Money owed on the vehicle (lien)2
  • Vehicle theft
  • Service records
  • Repair estimates and costs
  • Open safety recalls
  • Odometer readings
  • Odometer rollback
  • Registration3
  • U.S./Canada import records
  • Detailed U.S. History
1 Not all vehicles are eligible for a valuation, please visit our FAQs to learn more.
2 CARFAX Canada will search for liens in each province or territory in Canada (excluding Northwest Territories) in which the vehicle (identified by its VIN) (i) is currently registered; and (ii) has historically been registered.
3 Registration information is not available for vehicles registered in Northwest Territories.